: Best Practice in Model Documentation

Risk Control completes work on model documentation standards and helps a firm with its documents.

  Banks, Consulting

: Presentation on Model Risk in Prometeia webinar

Risk Control’s William Perraudin presents on Model Risk in webinar to Italian bankers organised by Prometeia.

  Banks, Regulation, Risk Methods, Training

: Research report on ESG and Credit Rating Correlations

Risk Control publishes a report on how ESG and credit ratings move together, providing a key building block for the integrated management of ESG and credit risks in loan and bond portfolios.

  Banks, Credit Risk, ESG

: Innovative approaches to integrating Limit and Capital Software Systems

Risk Control publishes a note on how its Limit software (RC-Limit System) may be integrated with a powerful Credit Portfolio Model (RC-Capital Model), to permit the use of Economic Capital-based credit limits.

  Banks, Insurers, Research, Software

: Risk Control consults on credit limits

Risk Control advises bank on the design of its system of credit limits.

  Banks, Consulting

: Integration of RC-Limit System and RC-Capital Model

Use of credit limits based on Economic Capital consumption is dramatically facilitated by real time integration of limit systems and Credit Portfolio Models. Risk Control has just completed such an integration of its RC-Limit System and RC-Capital Model softwares.

  Banks, Investment Firms, Software

: Risk Control consults on risk appetite policies and limit setting

Risk Control completes review of Risk Appetite Policies and limit setting for a large financial institution.

  Banks, Consulting

: Bank ESG Data Strategies

As part of a larger programme of research on ESG issues, Risk Control publishes strategy note on bank ESG data strategies.


: Risk Transfer Deals

Risk Control assists clients with the design and capital analysis of Risk Transfer deals.

Banks, Consulting

: Treasury Limits

Risk Control devises Treasury limits for a bank.

Banks, Consulting