: Risk Control completes major study on the impact of MiFID II rules

Risk Control delivers major study of the impact of MiFID II on investment research for the European Commission


: Risk Control completes case study on risk transfer transactions

Risk Control assists major bank with advice concerning risk transfer transactions

Banks, Consulting, Research

: Survey on Investment Research

Risk Control will launch this month a major survey asking asset managers how the MiFID II rules have affected the quantity and quality of investment research.


: Risk Control comments on EBA Technical Standards

Risk Control submits detailed comments on EBA Regulatory Technical Standards on use of the Basel 3 SEC-IRBA appproach to capital for securitisation exposures. Risk Control’s comments identify additional areas on which the EBA should guide the industry in SEC-IRBA implementation. Banks, Consulting, Regulation

: Liquidty presentation at Frankfurt asset managers conference

Risk Control presents on measuring bond market liquidity at BVI annual Seminar on Risk in Frankfurt Banks, Consulting, Events, Liquidity, Market Risk, Media

: Market Liquidity Project

Operating successfully in illiquid markets requires intelligent use of data. Risk Control assists major bank by completing market liquidity study. Banks, Consulting, Investment Firms

: Modelling innovation

Risk Control introduces Bayesian layer in the statistical macroeconomic model it employs for stress testing and scenario generation. This approach permits users to combine evidence from historical experience with prior views on macroeconomic impacts to create and manipulate robust and intuitive scenarios in a flexible fashion. Banks, Consulting, Investment Firms, Research, Software

: European Commission project

Risk Control wins tender for project on the drivers of corporate bond market liquidity for European Commission’s DG FISMA, the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. Banks, Consulting, Research