: Podcast on securitisation market and its regulation

Risk Control explains the state of the European securitisation market and how the regulatory framework affects it.


: Liquidty presentation at Frankfurt asset managers conference

Risk Control presents on measuring bond market liquidity at BVI annual Seminar on Risk in Frankfurt Banks, Consulting, Events, Liquidity, Market Risk, Media

: Brussels presentation on bond market liquidity

Risk Control presents research on market liquidity at Public Hearing on European Corporate Bond Markets in Brussels on 24th November. The programme for the event can be accessed here.  Slides for the event can be accessed here. Banks, Events, Media, Public Institutions

: Article in Risk magazine

Risk magazine quotes a Director of Risk Control in article on the Basel Committee’s revised standardised capital approaches and their implications for banks. Banks, Media

: Risk magazine article

Risk magazine quotes Risk Control Director William Perraudin on the capital treatment of securitisations. Banks, Media

: Financial Times article

The Financial Times quotes Risk Control Director, William Perraudin, on synthetic CDOs. Full article available here. Media

: CNBC interview

Risk Control’s Perraudin is interviewed on CNBC. Watch the interview here. Media