: Cloud-based software hosting for Risk Control software using Microsoft Azure

Risk Control enhances its Software-as-a-Service offerings by hosting all its major software via dedicated, client-specific, and highly secure Microsoft Azure cloud-based installations.

  Asset Managers, Banks, Public Institutions, Software

: New Non-Financial Risk Capital software completed

Risk Control implements a model for computing Non-Financial Risk Capital using an Advanced Models Approach (AMA).

  Asset Managers, Banks, Software

: RC-Capital Model Video

Risk Control publishes a short video about the RC-Capital Model on its YouTube channel. The Monte Carlo model is a high-specification, portfolio modelling framework, supplying rigorously calculated risk statistics for multi-asset portfolios over different holding periods. Asset Managers, Credit Risk, Investment Firms, Software

: Risk Based Pricing Software

Risk Control deploys new Risk Based Pricing software.

See Risk Control’s software suite here.


: Enhancement to Limit System

Risk Control completes series of major enhancements to its RC-Limit System software, facilitating the convenient specification of a wider set of limits.

A brief description of RC-Limit System can be found here.

See Risk Control’s software suite here.


: Innovative approaches to integrating Limit and Capital Software Systems

Risk Control publishes a note on how its Limit software (RC-Limit System) may be integrated with a powerful Credit Portfolio Model (RC-Capital Model), to permit the use of Economic Capital-based credit limits.

  Banks, Insurers, Research, Software

: Integration of RC-Limit System and RC-Capital Model

Use of credit limits based on Economic Capital consumption is dramatically facilitated by real time integration of limit systems and Credit Portfolio Models. Risk Control has just completed such an integration of its RC-Limit System and RC-Capital Model softwares.

  Banks, Investment Firms, Software

: Microservices Architecture

Risk Control implements high availability versions of its software using microservices architecture.


: Scenario Analysis for Multilaterals

Risk Control creates scenario analysis tools for multilateral lenders.

Banks, Software

: Limit System Software

Risk Control devises innovative software for tracking headroom vis-à-vis different credit risk limits.

Credit Risk, Software

: Connectivity software

Risk Control enhances its connectivity software with new features
