: Training on Cutting Edge ICAAP Methods for Asset Managers

Risk Control delivers training in ICAAP analysis to major asset manager. Investment Firms

: Market Liquidity Project

Operating successfully in illiquid markets requires intelligent use of data. Risk Control assists major bank by completing market liquidity study. Banks, Consulting, Investment Firms

: Securitisation Risk Briefing

Risk Control briefs senior EU officials on securitisation capital on behalf of leading industry body. Public Institutions

: Presentation on Indicators of Bond Market Liquidity

Risk Control presents on bond market liquidity to AFME’s Credit Board. Banks

: How to Analyse Risk in Securitisation Portfolios

Risk Control authors suggest a rigorous method for calculating risk in securitisation portfolios, permitting investors to profit from relatively high returns offered by these portfolios while maintaining a cautious and prudent approach to risk. Banks, Investment Firms, Research, Software

: Modelling innovation

Risk Control introduces Bayesian layer in the statistical macroeconomic model it employs for stress testing and scenario generation. This approach permits users to combine evidence from historical experience with prior views on macroeconomic impacts to create and manipulate robust and intuitive scenarios in a flexible fashion. Banks, Consulting, Investment Firms, Research, Software

: Stress Controller methodology

Risk Control enhances the methodology of its Stress Controller software to accommodate the current low interest rate environment. Banks, Research, Software