: Comment on EBA proposal

Risk Control comments on the impact of the EBA’s proposed capital rules for qualifying securitisations and predicts the proposals will fail to revive the European market. Banks

: Article in Risk magazine

Risk magazine quotes a Director of Risk Control in article on the Basel Committee’s revised standardised capital approaches and their implications for banks. Banks, Media

: Risk magazine article

Risk magazine quotes Risk Control Director William Perraudin on the capital treatment of securitisations. Banks, Media

: Conservative Monotone Approach Update

Risk Control presents new developments to the CMA and the PCMA at the Global ABS conference in Barcelona.

Global ABS Banks, Events

: Capital Floors, the Revised SA and the Cost of Loans in Switzerland

Risk Control publishes a study analysing the impact of proposed changes in Basel rules on capital, lending and loan spreads. Banks, Research

: BIAC-G20 Paris conference

Risk Control Director presents on European securitisation and SME financing at “Business Access to Global Value Chains and Financing SMEs” BIAC-G20 conference at the OECD. Banks, Events

: EU Consultation Response

Risk Control responds to an EU framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation. Banks