: Global ABS presentation

Risk Control participates in the panel discussion ‘Overview of Basel IV Capital Rules, Solvency II and How They Affect ABS’ at the Global ABS conference in Barcelona. Banks, Insurers, Regulation

: Forecasting Assets under Management for Stress Testing and Strategy Purposes

Risk Control publishes a note on forecasting assets under management for stress testing purposes. Investment Firms, Research

: Milan presentation on business implications of market illiquidity

Presentation on business implications of market illiquidity to senior investment banking and asset manager audience. Banks, Investment Firms, Liquidity, Market Risk

: Recruitment opportunities

Risk Control is now recruiting for a Junior Quantitative Analyst. Contact enquiries@riskcontrollimited.com for more information. Recruitment

: Brussels presentation on bond market liquidity

Risk Control presents research on market liquidity at Public Hearing on European Corporate Bond Markets in Brussels on 24th November. The programme for the event can be accessed here.  Slides for the event can be accessed here. Banks, Events, Media, Public Institutions

: New financial engineerig software: Risk Frame

Risk Control develops new framework software called Risk Frame to host a wide range of financial engineering applications. Risk Methods, Software

: Presentation on Corporate Bond Market Liquidity

Risk Control presents a preview of a soon-to-be published report on liquidity in the European corporate bond market to ICMA’s Secondary Market Practices Committee. Banks, Insurers, Investment Firms, Regulation